Modern Slavery Act Statement

Last updated: Apr 17, 2024


At Adage Digital Ltd., we recognize that slavery, servitude, forced labor, and human trafficking (Modern Slavery) is a critical global issue that affects countries worldwide, including the UK.

This statement is issued in compliance with section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015. Adage Digital Ltd. is registered in England and Wales and operates as a digital marketing and technology solutions provider.

Policy and Purpose

Our Modern Slavery policy applies to all employees, contractors, and agencies associated with Adage Digital Ltd. We are dedicated to ensuring no instance of modern slavery exists in our operations or throughout our supply chain.

Our Commitment

Adage Digital Ltd. has implemented the following policies and procedures to address Modern Slavery risks:

  • Annual Review of Modern Slavery Policy for continued effectiveness.
  • Maintaining a stringent supplier approval process to assess potential risk areas within our supply chains.
  • Suppliers’ are required to commit to ethical labor practices, including fair treatment of workers, adherence to legal working hours, and providing safe working environments.
  • Conducting regular reviews and other suitable checks on suppliers to ensure compliance.
  • Providing relevant training to staff members to enhance their understanding of modern slavery risks and equip them to identify and report potential issues.
  • Establishment of a clear and confidential whistleblowing hotline for reporting any suspected activities of modern slavery.


Adage Digital Ltd. is committed to continuous improvement and will review the effectiveness of the procedures and policies put in place to combat Modern Slavery.

The responsibility for upholding this policy and ensuring its implementation across all Adage Digital Ltd. activities lies with the company's Managing Director.